Mammal Cards (English) for Ages 3-6 and Elementary

Mammals live on all 7 continents on the land and in the water. 3-6 version has 35 plastic cards, 4 x 2.5 inches; 28 photo cards and 7 continent cards; 4 Mammals per continent. (Science-Vertebrates-Mammals) Elementary version has 5 mammals per continent.

World Mammal Ages 3-6 Plastic Cards
35 Cards - Photo and Continent. 4 mammals per continent.

"The manatee has flippers." "The Siberian tiger sits." "The cheetah runs fast."
World Mammals Elementary Plastic Cards
Includes 42 Cards: 35 photo-sentence cards and 7 continent cards. (Science-Vertebrates-Mammals)

"The panda is endangered. There are about 1000 left in the wild and 60 in zoos." "The red deer sits. It feeds on leaves, twigs, nuts, shoots and lichen."
World Mammal Cards Ages 3-6 PDF
Pdf version. Print, laminate and cut! "The manatee has flippers." "The Siberian tiger sits." "The cheetah runs fast."
World Mammals Elementary - PDF
Includes 42 photo cards: 35 photo-sentence cards and 7 continent labels; 5 mammals per continent. (Science-Vertebrates-Mammals)

"The elephant feeds on leaves and bark. Herds walk single file in a line." "The beaver makes a dam to protect its lodge. The beaver has a flat tail." "The gorilla is a vegetarian. It forages for plants. It lives in family groups."
